Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Porn Addiction Self-Help 4

I keep going. I am now on page 156 out of 205. I had few relapses. I will complete this book no matter what, I have 2 another books on porn addiction waiting in the line.

I've quit my computers job 3 weeks ago and I work on a simple low paying job, that allows to read books - for 2 weeks already. I have much more peace of mind now than before. Because of relapses, I decided to place my laptop computer in the storage room. I have a storage place outside of my apartment and I put my laptop there from time to time, for 3-4 days. Then I take it for one day, then I put it back in the storage room for 3 days, and so on.

I want to define the cycle of one week without laptop / one day with laptop. I can do it, but I have to complete few small remaining issues for my previous job first. After that, I really think to define such cycle and keep it. If you post comments on my blog entries, please allow 3-4 days for comment to appear on the blog, because of my new work scheme with the laptop.

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